Lesson Four


In this lesson we will be learning different words for body parts. At the end of this lesson, practise the new vocabulary by singing the ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ song!

The head and face

Let's learn the words for the head and face.
korrpi nose
kuli head
manakar beard, head hair, whiskers
marki cheek, jaw
mundi lips
munindjera moustache
peilu eyes
poinmor eyebrows
puimar eyelashes
puruwi forehead
thalanki tongue
turi mouth
tuwar tooth, teeth
tuiyar hair
walgoro ear
yorkui top of the head
Urti 'deadly'!

The body

Now let's learn the words for the rest of body.
koko elbow
mandulapi neck
mara hand
martkul shoulder
mogarawi lower arm
mondi chest
ngarangkami big toe
ngartkali thumb
ngayampi hips
nowuntinyuru arm
paramo lower leg
pelintjeri foot
periwara ribs
piningi buttocks
pulangi navel
purungung right hand
rayimurumi belly
tarupi thigh
turna fingers; toes; hand
turtangi knee
tjal upper arm, arm (general)
warawaraka sole of foot
yeretjena toe, toes (excluding big toe)

Kuli, martkul, turtangi, yeretjena

Now let's have a go at singing the 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' song in Tanganekald ruminyeri 'language'!

Verse 1
Kuli, martkul, turtangi, yeretjena Heads, shoulders, knees and toes
turtangi, yeretjena; turtangi, yeretjena knees and toes; knees and toes
Kuli, martkul, turtangi, yeretjena Heads, shoulders, knees and toes
Ngapa Tanganekald yanun! I’m speaking Tanganekald!
Verse 2
Peilu, walgoro, turi, korrpi Eyes, ears, mouth and nose
turi, korrpi; turi, korrpi mouth and nose, mouth and nose
Peilu, walgoro, turi, korrpi Eyes, ears, mouth and nose
Ngenta Tanganekald yanun! You’re speaking Tanganekald!
Urti! 'Deadly!' Now let's have a go at these sentences using the words we've learnt.
Ngapa manakar kinemin. I have a black beard.
ngapa means 'I', manakar means 'beard' and kinemin means 'black'.
Ananyi nangar mandulapi prupi. My mother has a bad (sore) neck.
ananyi means 'my', nangar means 'mother', mandalupi means 'neck', and prupi means 'bad'.
Nganayeri thumelin peilu. The girl’s eyes are green.

nganayeri means ‘girl’, thumelin means ‘green’ and peilu means ‘eyes’.